Why I Hate Agencies

Trigger warning: I'm not a huge fan of agencies.

Trigger warning: I'm not a huge fan of agencies.

Marketing agencies, ad agencies, etc.

The problem with hiring an agency is really simple. You are just a cog in a machine. You are one of many.

Because of this, you aren't special, and I hate to break this to you, but they do not care about you or your business.

This is true 99% of the time. They will make you feel special. But remember: you aren't.

The 1% of the time this is not true is if you caught the agency at the beginning or the agency only takes on several high paying clients at a time.

In the first case, you will eventually become unimportant to the agency as they grow.

Instead, hire a marketing person in-house. If your business is too small for that, I recommend you do all the marketing yourself until you can afford to hire someone full-time or even part-time.

For the love of god, don't hire an agency! They truly do not care about you or your company.

Building a company is hard. You (and your employees) are going to need help.

I recommend you hire a remote assistant to stay organized and maximize your potential.

It’s not easy to find a good remote executive assistant. It took me over six months to find mine. For this reason, I’ve created LoftyHire to help you save time in your EA search.

Learn about my projects at PaulSerra.com