The Importance of Thinking Time

There is one thing you can do that will change your life.

The Importance of Thinking Time

“I insist on a lot of time being spent, almost every day, to just sit and think. That is very uncommon in American business. I read and think. So I do more reading and thinking, and make less impulse decisions than most people in business.”

-Warren Buffett

There is one thing you can do that will change your life.

It’s called focused thinking. I’ll tell you exactly how to do it.

First, put your phone/laptop/tablet away or preferably in another room. We won’t want any notifications to bother the process.

Grab a blank notebook page and follow the steps below:

At the top of the page, write your number one goal for this year.

Or the most important goal for you to reach right now.

Then under that goal, write down everything you need to do to get to your goal.

Think about each one. The list may be long, or it may be short.

Think about the work that needs to be done and the sacrifices you will make.

Avoid picking up your phone, laptop, or tablet. Just let your mind be.

If you do this once a week or even daily, your mind will stop focusing on other people’s thoughts/dreams and start to accomplish the goals/dreams you set for yourself.

This quiet thinking time will remove the “noise” from your world and change your life.

Building a company is hard. You (and your employees) are going to need help.

I recommend you hire a remote assistant to stay organized and maximize your potential.

It’s not easy to find a good remote executive assistant. It took me over six months to find mine. For this reason, I’ve created LoftyHire to help you save time in your EA search.

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