Smart Hard Work

Get your Priorities Straight

They work so hard, they deserve it!

But do they really work hard?

Hard work is digging a ditch. It’s construction in the blistering sun. It’s repetitive dangerous manufacturing work.

In short, hard work is physical labor.

It’s not what many of us are doing here on the computer.

This is a different beast to tackle.

This is not physical work. It’s mental.

They both can be stressful, sure.

Mental stress can turn into physical health problems.

But not the kind of physical health problems that falling off a ladder on a construction site would give you.

Most people on computers are not working at all. Unless they are working smart.

Smart Hard Work

Do you know what you are doing to get the results you need to get?

You are not hammering a nail here. Everything you are doing on this computer is basically magic.

And all the other magicians are trying to cast their spell on you.

You must know for sure what you are going to be doing or you will get distracted.

Get in and get out.

The only way you can get ahead in this mental computer world is to have your priorities straight.

As stated above in question form: You need to know the results you want to get and what exactly you are going to do to get them.

And you need to have a strong self belief that you can get those results.

Everything else is noise.

Smart hard work is when you are intentionally working on a project that is worth working on and you have the self belief and discipline to see the work through - to bring your creation to life.

Building a company is hard. You (and your employees) are going to need help. Especially managing your energy when it comes to administrative tasks.

I recommend you hire a remote assistant to stay organized and maximize your potential.

It’s not easy to find a good remote executive assistant. It took me over six months to find mine. For this reason, I’ve created LoftyHireto help you save time in your EA search. I got the whole process down to 1-3 weeks, depending on your needs.