
If you aren't enthusiastic who will be?

Whatever you are setting out to do, be enthusiastic.

After validating and stress-testing your idea a bit, you must get excited.

It does not matter if you have no money or all the money in the world.

Enthusiasm is contagious.

If you are not excited about the “thing” that you are doing - who will be?

People are generally more attracted to people who are charismatic, and that usually translates into a pep in their step, trotting towards whatever they are working on.

This is especially important if you have no track record at all.

Your people, investors and customers are not just going to buy into whatever you are doing if you’ve never done it.

Be Enthusiastic!

Building a company is hard. You (and your employees) are going to need help.

I recommend you hire a remote assistant to stay organized and maximize your potential.

It’s not easy to find a good remote executive assistant. It took me over six months to find mine. For this reason, I’ve created LoftyHire to help you save time in your EA search.

Learn about my projects at PaulSerra.com