ChatGPT Outperforms Doctors at Diagnosing Illness


We have talked about how important AI is going to be to society with AI Agents.

Will there be AI doctors soon?

A new study found that ChatGPT-4 did better than doctors at diagnosing medical cases, even when those doctors could use the same AI tool. Published in JAMA Network Open, the study had 50 doctors try to solve six tough medical cases. ChatGPT scored 90%, while doctors scored 76% when using the chatbot for specific questions and only 74% when using regular resources.

Here are the main takeaways:

  1. Human Bias: Many doctors stuck to their first guesses, even when AI gave better, well-explained suggestions.

  2. Underusing AI: Most doctors only asked ChatGPT specific questions and didn’t use its full ability to look at complete case histories.

  3. Trust Issues: Even though the AI did a great job, doctors are still unsure about trusting AI in medical settings.

In the past, AI has had a hard time fitting into healthcare, mostly because people didn’t trust it or found it hard to use. The newest models works differently from older systems. It doesn’t try to think like a human but uses language predictions to give fast, accurate answers. Still, its success depends on doctors knowing how to use it properly.

If AI can diagnose illnesses better than doctors, what else can it do?

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